Competition within an organization, even any kind whatsoever, is not good because it destroys the ability of the organization to get to its full potential. Competition, according to the author, should be kept to and confined to external businesses because this makes the market more efficient and provides more value for the customers in the industry. Competition within an organization breeds silos, protectionism, nepotism, and poor performance. It reduces employee engagement, cuts down on productivity, reduces the company profits and increases the stress levels within the organization. When it comes to the micro level and the relationship between employees, they stop talking to each other and become overtly nice in order not to rock the company boat or change the status quo. Overall, the productivity and motivation of the employees will be at an all time low. On the other hand, it must be admitted that humans were wired to be competitive because it defines what we do at every level and stage of our lives. In the past, it was only the strongest and the fittest that survive and today, we continue to compete for jobs, sports, and other things. It also includes keeping up with the joneses and surrounding ourselves with people who belong to our tribe. In fact, the automatic action that a human resorts to by default is competition.
Key Takeaways:
- Competition is not good within a business among the employees because any competition between them limits the organization to get to its full potential.
- Some of the results of having competition in an organization are people building their own silos and some aspects of protectionism along with nepotism.
- Naturally, humans were created to be competitive and that goes back to the time when man lived for the fittest to survive.
“There is no place for competition within the confines of a team, function or company. Competition should be kept to external competitors as this provides the consumer with the best possible outcome, market conditions.”
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