Companies have not always been good about making sure what they offer is healthy but many are improving this. It’s bad for business to disregard health since people are becoming more conscious of it. There is too much info out there now for companies to get away with lying or hiding the health info about their products. When they improve we applaud it and are more likely to give them our business. We want to be healthy now.
Key Takeaways:
- 180,000 food and beverage products were reformulated in 2016. The intent is to create healthier food.
- A survey was taken by 102 companies, including Unilever, IGA, McCain, Kellogg’s, and Nestle. Consumer Good Forum wants to support efforts to create healthier food.
- Companies targeted sugar and sodium for removal. Companies added wholegrain and vitamins.
“The 180,000 product reformulations more than doubled from the 2015 number of 84,000 reformulations, showing the greater commitment companies are making to the health of consumers.”
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