Time management is a skill that few people can truly perfect? How many times a day do you find yourself thinking that you wish you had more time or even how does so and so do it all? Lucy Kippist is here to remind us that to be more proficient in this skill, we have to strategically think about the tasks we impose on ourselves by weighing the financial, opportunity, emotional and physical costs of each task. If it doesn’t serve you well in each category, you have to be accepting of dismissing the task.
Key Takeaways:
- Since none of us has more than a specified amount of hours to work with, a first step to good time management is figuring out how you are already spending your time.
- By writing down everything we do from get up time onwards, it becomes very cleat where the time sucking slogs are.
- A good way to assess time use choices is to allocate to them physical, emotional and fiscal costs.
“If you feel the same then you’ll also love Kate Christie, time management expert’s tips on doing exactly that.”
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