Marketing is something that you must learn to do if you have a business to promote. Without marketing how will anyone ever know that you exist? There are tons of books, information found online, courses, and other advice and tips for marketing, and while these things can all be wonderful sources of information, you will probably find that the best marketing advice you ever get comes from those closest to you -and it wont cost you a penny.
Key Takeaways:
- Suppose you have an engine mechanics business with four staff and there is a Mercedes dealership directly not far off, however you don’t see yourself in rivalry with the Mercedes benefit office.
- Your opposition is a person about an indistinguishable size from you a couple squares away. So what you do, is look at what he is doing.
- Invest significant energy to visit the Mercedes benefit focus and have a decent look about. Perceive how clean their administration zone is. Look at their open to holding up rooms.
“And when you start to apply these ideas to your business, the guy down the road will just wonder what’s happened to his customers.”
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