Should convenience stores in Australia be permitted to sell alcohol? A question that has been on the table since last year the Australian Association of Convenience Stores has asked the Senate’s “Red Tape” committee if they can do just that. The Association has argued that because they can handle the sale of tobacco and other legal drugs appropriately than alcohol should be no different. They have also pointed out that since alcohol is sold in supermarkets allowing it to be sold in convenience stores will increase competition which is beneficial to the consumer.
Key Takeaways:
- Theres a lot more interest at the moment because of the business opportunity with the government talking about red tape and competition
- Instances and opportunities like this [selling alcohol] are being stifled by red tape and lack of competition.
- The Herald Sun reported on Saturday that convenience stores were “making a bold push” to sell alcohol and compete with the supermarket majors
“The Herald Sun reported on Saturday that convenience stores were “making a bold push” to sell alcohol and compete with the supermarket majors, however Mr Rogut said this story was a hangover from late last year, and that numerous media organisations had approached him throughout the weekend.”
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