Over the last few years, retailers have focused on and operated categories on a promotional multi-buy platform, usually within the structure of the category due to operational complexities and restrictions. What we have begun to see more recently is a greater cross-category promotion aligning complementary categories, single price point offers and basket drivers such as $2 for an extra item. Over the last three years, shoppers have moved from a negative six percent to a positive four per cent of shoppers agreeing that promotions are driving them to a convenience store, representing a 10 per cent swing.
Key Takeaways:
- The Shopper Tracker program has investigated trends around the broadening of offers and what this has meant for satisfaction and what it is doing to shopper participation in these offers.
- Traditionally, convenience stores have not been strong at driving traffic into stores through promotions, however, as retailers have begun to shift from a heavy focus on fuel to that of a shop we have seen some change happening.
- Key categories that have driven this swing include energy drinks, sports drinks, frozen carbonated beverages, liquid breakfast/protein drinks and boxed chocolate.
“Over the last few years retailers have focused on and operated categories on a promotional multi-buy platform, usually within the structure of the category due to operational complexities and restrictions.”
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