There are some that believe that small business owners are hackers, are more businesses move online. SME’s feel that they have a low chance of being attacked due to their size, so they don’t prepare for the eventuality in which they are. A cyber breach can be very costly and can take businesses offline to lose more money. Business owners are encouraged to prepare for these eventualities and take steps to avoid being hacked, regardless of size.
Key Takeaways:
- SME’s (Small and Medium Enterprises) sometimes have the misconception that since they aren’t the big guys won’t be targets of hackers.
- A cyber breach can be very expensive, and in turn it can affect SME’s to a greater degree than their larger competitors who have more protocol in place to deal with such events.
- For small businesses in Australia it is important to understand that no matter how big or small, nobody is free of risk from cyber crime.
“Due to their size, SMEs feel they are a low risk of being breached, making them a primary target.”
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